I'd purchased a pair of glasses over three years ago from a local firm at an exorbitant price, and while I'm willing to go further into debt when necessary, I decided to try one of the online firms instead. I chose a frame, entered my prescription, paid a hundred bucks, and one week later they arrived. I could not be happier. Perusing my RSS feed reader this morning, I came across this.
From Zero Hedge:
In the latest effort to signal as much virtue as possible, the Miss America beauty contest is scrapping its swimsuit and evening-gown section and will no longer be judged on physical appearance. Contestants will instead be asked to demonstrate their "passion, intelligence and overall understanding of the job of Miss America."Beauty pageants are no longer necessary, so long as FOX News has a segment with anchors wearing swimsuits.
Tucker Carlson on Bill Clinton
Diddler Candy took it to the logical conclusion of the Nude News Network.
Her success was only surpassed by the Vagina Channel.
World peace was finally achieved with the topless UN.
She went long on Kleenex and Vaseline, amassing the world's greatest fortune.
She endowed the Diddler Candy School of Business at UNC-CH.
These new glasses enable me to see far into the future with perfect clarity.
Rand Paul will be the 46th POTUS.
NC will become the only state not to legalize pot and sink into financial oblivion.
Fort Bragg will be renamed Fort Pence and become a prison for Christian terrorists.
Jesus will return as a black woman and be completely ignored.
Aliens will finally land and no longer call Earth planet Stupid.
The world will finally be consumed by global warming, but by then I will have made a fortune shorting F-150s and creating a website selling rugby shorts and Tevas.
The IGMFUPAC will finally be built, but the global Zionist boycott will reduce the benefactors to producing their own performances.
In a final act of desperation, Matt Brown will chop a hole in the roof of the IGMFUPAC and petition the whores and losers on city council to demolish it and build something bigger.